What are habit lists?
Habit lists are for tracking behavior.
- A daily run, no reminder
- Weekly yoga, reminder at 7:00PM
Completed task stays done until the reset date. The reset times are as follows:
- Daily: Resets everyday at 3:00AM
- Weekly: Resets every Monday at 3:00AM
- Monthly: Resets the 1st of each month, at 3:00AM
- Yearly: Resets Jan 1st, at 3:00Am
Habits reset to "Incomplete" so you can do them again and again.
What are reminder lists?
Reminder lists are for both normal reminders and tasks with due dates.
- A reminders list where you put things like "Pay bills", which is technically a list of due dates
- An appointments list where you list the appointment time and choose a time to be reminded
Can I sync to my iPad or Mac?
Not yet. Currently, I do not have the resources to support all devices. I hope to expand device support in 2018.
Can I share lists with my family members?
Not yet! That will depend on the success of the app, as the server cost of instant syncing between users and devices is not sustainable if the app stays small. So tell your friends!
How many lists can I add?
The first 15 lists are free. After that you can buy list packs to raise the limit. If you buy in bulk, it's cheaper. If you're trying to avoid paying, then reuse your 15 by deleting old lists!